Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Justin Bieber has spent much of 2010 on the road, so he can't wait to get home to Canada to see his loved ones.

He said: "What's at the top of my Christmas list? To celebrate the holidays with my family."

The teenage singing sensation is hopeful his good conduct throughout the year will lead to him getting lots of Christmas gifts.

He joked: "Have I been naughty or nice? I like to think of myself as being nice."

Justin was able to look back on his successes of the last year while penning his autobiography First Step 2 Forever: My Story and loved writing the book because it made him feel closer to his fans.

He explained: "The book was really cool for me, because I was able to take people into my world and really close into what I'm thinking.

"I like scaring the girls. In the book, I was talking about how I made out with a girl for a week profusely. Then I'd be like, ha, ha, just kidding."

Paris Hilton Lands in 'Beautiful' Maui After Flight Scare

Paris Hilton and beau Cy Waits arrive in Maui safe and sound despite a security alert in LA delaying their flight for more than an hour. The heiress's plane had to be searched after a 4in knife was found in a seat pocket. Paris & Cy are in Maui to join the Hilton clan for their traditional Christmas family gathering. The pair looked happy to be on solid ground as they made there way through the airport holding hands and hugging each other. (Photo Agency

Paris Hilton was among passengers evacuated from a plane after a knife was found on board. The heiress and her boyfriend Cy Waits were on an aircraft destined for the Hawaiian island of Maui when it was detained at Los Angeles International Airport after a passenger found a four-inch serrated knife in a seat pocket.

Writing on her Twitter page, Paris said: “We were about to take off then security made everyone deplane because they found a big knife on board the plane. Scary that it got on plane.

“They just finished the security sweep of the plane. About to board again. So strange a knife got on board. Can't wait to get to Maui.”

However it was quickly revealed the knife was in fact a box-cutter belonging to the airline crew and passengers were soon allowed back on board. Police were not called as airline officials knew who the blade belonged to.

Paris later updated her Twitter account to reveal she and Cy finally made it to Maui.

She wrote: “Just landed safely in Maui. Aloha!

“Hawaii is one of the most beautiful places on earth! So happy to be here! :)”

The pair have joined Paris’ sister Nicky Hilton and her boyfriend David Katzenberg for a pre-Christmas break on the island.

Paris tweeted: “Hanging out with my love, @NickyHilton and @DavidKatzenberg. So nice to be with family and loved ones.”

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Heidi Montag on Surgery Scars: 'I'm Always Going to Feel Like Edward Scissorhands'

In news that should shock no one, Heidi Montag says she regrets submitting to a marathon plastic surgery session that included breast augmentation, ear pinning, buttock implants, brow-lifts and a chin reduction. The reality television personality is on the cover of the latest issue of Life & Style, pouting over the scars left by her now-deceased plastic surgeon, Frank Ryan.

Among the scars Montag reveals in the article's accompanying spread: the 2-inch long raised scar beneath her chin, and a (practically invisible) bald spot on her left temple. Montag told the mag, "I would love to not be 'plastic girl' or whatever they call me. Surgery ruined my career and my personal life and just brought a lot of negativity into my world. I wish I could jump into a time machine and take it all back. Instead, I'm always going to feel like Edward Scissorhands."

Yeah, it's pretty sad—which is why everyone except Heidi's husband Spencer Pratt told her all that plastic surgery was a bad idea.

In other news, Heidi and Spencer are still together. Yawn.

Justin Bieber has repeatedly denied he is dating Selena Gomez, but the two were recently spotted enjoying a romantic walk in Miami! After all, a roman

Justin Bieber has repeatedly denied he is dating Selena Gomez, but the two were recently spotted enjoying a romantic walk in Miami! After all, a romantic walk down the street is the perfect way to keep you secret romance a secret.

When the pair were "discovered" (both of their publicists had to have called the paparazzi, c'mon), Bieber reportedly tried to walk away from the 18-year-old actress, who started nervously played with her hair.

An onlooker said: “They seemed to know they had been caught out and were quick to run off.”

The rumored couple were then spotted hanging out on Justin’s tour bus and he was pictured gently resting his hand on her back.

Meanwhile, the 16-year-old pop sensation was forced to stop a concert last week after a fight broke out over a sweaty towel he had thrown to the crowd.

The audience of mostly teenage girls in Pittsburgh became rowdy during his hit ,"Baby," when the towel he tossed to the audience was caught by one fan who soon discovered she faced stiff competition to keep the smelly memento.

The situation got so bad Justin had to stop his track and address his fans.

He told them: “You can’t fight over it, don’t fight over it. Someone’s gonna get hurt. Let it go, let it go, let it go!”

Justin then took the matter into his own hands, pointing at one of the girls who had been wrestling for the towel, saying “Give it to her.”

He then attempted to restart "Baby," but had to stop singing again because he was laughing so hard.

Starting the track for a third time, Justin let the crowd help him through the first verse.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Eva Mendes wanted to be a nun

Actress Eva Mendes wanted to be a nun, but changed her mind when she discovered that it was not a well-paying job.

Mendes wanted to join a convent and devote her life to the Catholic Church when she was a child but changed her mind, reports

"We didn't grow up with a lot of money so I would always tell my mom, 'Mommy I am going to buy you a big house when I grow up, and a car'," she said.

"And my sister said to me one day when I was 10, 'How are you going to buy mom all these things? You are going to be a nun and nuns don't get paid. I said, 'What?' and that was it, my convent dreams were over," she added.

After finding success and fame as an actress, the 36-year-old admits it was a very "proud moment" when she was able to make good on her promise to buy her mother a new home in 2002.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Kim Kardashian has top celebrity bum

Kim Kardashian has top celebrity bumReality TV star Kim Kardashian, well known for her voluptuous curves, has been voted the owner of the "World's Best Bum 2010" in an online poll.

According to the organisers, the 30-year-old is blessed with "the Holy Grail of Hindquarters", reports

The second place in the poll has been occupied by actress-singer Jennifer Lopez, and Beyonce Knowles took the third position.

Actress Jessica Biel was given the fourth position for her "perfectly plump and toned" derriere, followed by Lady Gaga in the fifth spot.

"Waka waka" girl Shakira, popular for her hip movements in her music videos, stood sixth, and Rihanna took the seventh spot for "being blessed".

Monday, December 13, 2010

Splitsville for Hurley-Nayar

Splitsville for Hurley-NayarReacting to the reports that she cheated on her hubby with cricket star Shane Warne, Liz Hurley has revealed that she had separated from her Indian tycoon husband Arun Nayar "a few months ago".

A Sunday tabloid published pictures of the model and sportsman sharing a series of steamy clinches and claimed Hurley had spent two nights with the womanising Australian, 41, in his London hotel suite this week.

"Not a great day. For the record, my husband Arun & I separated a few months ago. Our close family & friends were aware of this," the Daily Mail quoted Liz as tweeting.

But she didn't make any reference to her relationship with Warne - who she has been exchanging flirty tweets with since the summer - or spell out exactly when she split from Nayar.

The News of the World claims to have captured on video the pair embracing and kissing outside restaurant Sake No Hana earlier this week.

"They were so passionate they looked like honeymooners. It was electric," a source is quoted in the paper today as saying.

The paper said: "Hurley and Warne roared with laughter and chatted like old friends during the lively meal in a first-floor room. And at 1am they were spotted going down the escalator to the lobby area.

"While they waited for their coats to be brought to them Hurley reportedly pulled Warne towards her into a darkened doorway, cupped his face with her hands and leaned in to lock lips.

"After releasing from their clinch they gazed into each other's eyes and smiled adoringly," the paper reported.

They were also said to have flirted again in front of Liz's ex fiance Hugh Grant during the meal on Wednesday night.

Hurley and Warne were reportedly spotted exchanging more lingering kisses after popping out of the cricketer's luxury 1,750 pound-a-night suite at the Bentley Hotel in South Kensington - less than one mile from Hurley's London home.

On their second night together, they were locked away in the same suite for more than 11 hours, the paper said. They were also seen smooching and kissing again during a meal on Thursday at San Lorenzo in Chelsea.

A witness told the paper, "They looked completely smitten and blissfully happy together."

Friday, December 10, 2010

Angelina Pivarnick Offered Lead Role in Jersey Shore Porn Spoof

Angelina Pivarnick Offered Lead Role in Jersey Shore Porn SpoofYou gotta hand it to Steven Hirsch and Vivid. Always thinking.

The adult video kingpin has offered Angelina Pivarnick, the axed former co-star of MTV's Jersey Shore, the lead role in a porn spoof of the reality hit.

The offer: $50,000 plus a cut of the profits. Octomom was offered $1 million, mind you. When Nadya Suleman is 20 times hotter than you ... wow.

In a contract presented to Angelina Pivarnick, Vivid offered the Staten Island native a $50,000 advance against the royalty profits she would share in.

"Vivid shall pay Artist 25 percent of Adjusted Gross Revenue (the "Royalty")," the contract reads. That'll pay for her bail money a few times at least.

In return? Angelina would deliver Vivid three hours of footage, including "(i) a minimum of two (2) hours of footage depicting Artist engaged in sexual positions, and (ii) one (1) hour of personalized sexy wrap-around footage depicting Artist."

Gross. So is she interested?

"No, I'm not. I'm definitely not," she told Radar Online.

Maybe the money's just not sufficient. The girl's promiscuity was a key story line on Jersey Shore, after all. How much different can this really be?

On one episode, Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino boasted how "Angelina was just like the Staten Island ferry... it's free and everybody gets a ride".

Her other notable hook-ups include Pauly D, Vinny Guadagnino, Snooki's ex Jeff Miranda and her new, rumored lover: The Bachelorette's Justin Rego.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Carey Mulligan was told to get Botox at 25

Carey Mulligan was told to get Botox at 25Carey Mulligan has revealed that a Los Angeles dermatologist had told her to get Botox at the age of 25."I said, I have some lines here under my eye and they're annoying, what can you do? He looked at my face and said, We'll just drop some Botox in here and here",” the Telegraph quoted her as saying.

"I said, "What the ----? I'm only 25, are you joking? So I can't move my face? Isn't that, well, the antithesis of what I'm trying to do as an actress? Only in LA would someone try and give you Botox when you're 25 years old," she said.

The star of ‘An Education’ has won plaudits for her quirky style but claims to feel "intensely uncomfortable" on the red carpet
. "I've never felt like a sexy person. I've always felt like a sensible person. I've always felt absurd wearing anything revealing," she told Elle magazine.

The actress also confided that she loathes her much-copied gamine hairstyle. "I hate my hair. After an education, I had a small part in Michael Mann's film Public Enemies and he wanted me to dye it white blonde, and it wrecked my hair. Literally, ruined it. It was falling apart, fried. So I had to cut it off. I cried," she said.

Although tipped to land a second Oscar nomination for Never Let Me Go, Mulligan admitted to disappointment at missing out on The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, the forthcoming Stieg Larsson adaptation. "I auditioned for it but I didn't get the part," she said, adding that watching another actress play the part would be "agony".

Monday, December 6, 2010

Kylie Minogue Almost Back to Pre-Cancer Best

Kylie Minogue Almost Back to Pre-Cancer BestKylie Minogue finally feels like she is returning to normal after living in a "stranger's body" for five years since her cancer battle.

The Spinning Around singer was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005 andunderwent surgery and chemotherapy to beat the disease.

She tells Britain's Glamour magazine, A lot of people have said to me recently, 'You're looking really well, back to your old self

She was given the all-clear the year after (06), but the singer admits she has struggled to get her body back to normal after the ravaging treatment.

She tells Britain's Glamour magazine, "A lot of people have said to me recently, 'You're looking really well, back to your old self.' I just need to get my fitness up. Then I'll almost be back in my own body. "I felt for such a long time that I was in a stranger's body".

Miley Cyrus to sue website over fake nude pics

Miley Cyrus to sue website over fake nude picsTeen popstar Miley Cyrus is suing a website which published a naked picture, claiming that the image is hers.

Soon after a raunchy faceless image of a woman claimed to be the 'Party in the USA' hitmaker came out, people from her camp denied it and they are now "in touch with lawyers and considering action," reported People magazine online.

The blog,, published the image, shot in a bathroom with a phone, claiming that Cyrus had sent it to her ex-boyfriend Liam Hemsworth and they had obtained it after her iPhone was stolen.

The blogger claimed that the photo was taken in a sexting session during her brief stay at the Westin Palace hotel following the latest MTV Video Music Awards.

Cyrus' spokesperson added that the Hannah Montana star has a tattoo reading 'Just Breathe' under her left breast, and the woman in question doesn't have it and also she is skinnier than the former Disney star.

The woman in question has the same blonde wavy hairstyle as Cyrus and also sports her signature bracelets.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rakta Charitra 2 is ready to hit box office

Rakta Charitra 2 is ready to hit box officeBrutality has a new name and it's called Rakta Charitra. The first part was gruesome. The second part, well, is not as violent, but is a bloodbath nonetheless. I don't think Hindi cinema has ever witnessed such gruesome murders, such manslaughter and such scenes of carnage ever. But beneath the blood and gore, slaughter and assassination lies the shocking story of enmity between two families.

Rakta Charitra undertakes to enlighten the story of vengeance in two parts. Rakta Charitra 1 depicted the rise of Pratap and how he became a demigod for the poor and the exploited. The Part 2 unfolds a new story, although it's linked with Part 1. The challenge lies in making it more attention-grabbing than its precursor.

Brutality, gore and violent behaviour are indispensable attributes of Rakta Charitra 2. The story in itself is nothing more than a customary vendetta drama, but what makes you connect compellingly with the narrative is the fact that Ramgopal Varma [RGV] has treated it like he was recounting a first-hand version of what really transpired between the adversaries.

RGV is a veteran when it comes to making films on gangland or aggression and he proved his credentials in Rakta Charitra 1. Frankly, Rakta Charitra 1 wasn't a masterpiece, although it held your attention like RGV's accomplished works, mainly Satya, Company and Sarkar. However, you cannot refute the fact that RGV is a proficient storyteller. The characters in his films are passionately built and emotions are meticulously captured and there is the trademark agitation in an RGV film. Rakta Charitra 2 has it as well.

The storyline of Rakta Charitra 2 can be elucidated in a few words, but RGV takes a strong grip of each sequence and absorbs the spectator into the goings-on. The screenplay techniques and shot compositions make him poles apart from the rest of his ilk and the flashes of brilliance can be observed at several points in Rakta Charitra 2. Also, the film has a speedy pace and doesn't give you time to contemplate over the proceedings.

Final word? Much more engrossing and gripping than Rakta Charitra 1.

Surya enacts the role of Surya, who is determined to settle scores with Pratap [Vivek Oberoi]. Surya's decision to eliminate Pratap raises several questions. What was his [Surya] background, what forced him to take this extreme step, what was the driving force behind his act, was it really justified? The Part 2 is based around the conspiracy theories enveloping the elimination of Pratap.

The first part of Rakta Charitra ended up creating enthusiasm for Rakta Charitra 2. One discovered, in the final moments of Rakta Charitra 1, that vengeance had a new face and his name was Surya. The story of Rakta Charitra 2, therefore, is crucial since those unaware of what actually transpired between the two warring factions would get their answers in this part. In fact, Rakta Charitra 2 begins with a recap of the crucial moments of the first part and only after the lengthy summary concludes does the story of Rakta Charitra 2 unfold.

I genuinely feel that Rakta Charitra 2 is amongst RGV's most significant works, not only because of how well he has implemented it, but also because of the subject material. The enmity and hatred between Pratap and Surya is justified. The turning points in the tale - Surya's wife Bhawani contesting the elections and the subsequent assassination of Pratap - take the drama to a new high. The screenplay writing [Prashant Pandey] is spellbinding; it completely sucks you into the proceedings. Conversely, there are times when you feel that certain scenes are too extensive and prolonged and should've been trimmed for a stronger impact.

RGV's visual language is stimulating. His frames speak the unspoken. RGV's penchant for unusual camera angles have also come in for sharp criticism, but it makes his films stand out from the others. In fact, the cinematography in Rakta Charitra 2 [Amol Rathod] also comprises of extreme close-up shots, unusual angles, erratic movements and complete 360 degree turn. But it works wonderfully well. I've repeatedly heard people condemning RGV for going over the top or getting loud in various departments, especially when it comes to the background score. In fact, I strongly believe that the riotous background score [Dharam-Sandeep] works very well in a film of this variety.

Javed-Aejaz's action sequences are realistically gruesome with blood essentially written all over them. Splitting the throat open, stabbing the stomach and what not, everything seems so natural and so well choreographed. Being a vengeance saga, the dialogue need to stab both your mind and heart and the lines in Rakta Charitra 2 are completely in sync with the theme and temperament of the film.

Performances are unvaryingly of a high quality. Vivek Oberoi does complete justice to his character. He delivers an equally powerful performance in the second installment. But the focus is on South superstar Surya in Rakta Charitra 2. He delivers, without doubt, one of the most aggressive and forceful performances Hindi cinema has witnessed this year. I am sure, Surya will woo not just his Tamil fans with his tremendous performance, but also find a new audience base with Rakta Charitra 2: The Hindi movie-going audience. Southern superstar Surya is a welcome addition to the ranks of A-list heroes in the Hindi film industry.

Shatrughan Sinha doesn't really get much screen time in Rakta Charitra 2. Sudeep, who didn't have much to do in Rakta Charitra 1, is in top form now. Priyamani [as Bhawani, Surya's wife] is first-rate, while Radhika Apte is superb in the sequence when she confronts Vivek. Zarina Wahab gets limited scope in this part. Anupam Shyam is satisfactory.

On the whole, Rakta Charitra 2 highlights the emotion called vengeance most convincingly. It is chilling, raw, revolting, crass and ghastly, the kind that is meant to repulse you. But let's face it: It's a true depiction of human emotions. It's a film which is easy to devour if you can absorb brutality. It is for those who don't wince easy. But I'd say, watch it for its audacity and valour. Watch it to experience the work of a rebellious film-maker who never takes a break from telling an innovative story in film after film.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Natalie Portman says lesbian sex scene was hard

Natalie Portman says lesbian sex scene was hardNatalie Portman has revealed that her much-hyped sex scene with Mila Kunis in their new flick Black Swan was hard. Walking the red carpet to promote the Darren Arronofsky film, Portman admitted that shooting the graphic love scene was confronting, according to the Huffington Post.

"It's hard to have a sex scene, period. It doesn't matter if it's a friend, a male, a female," quoted her as saying. "You're with 100-something crew members, lighting you, repositioning you, there's no comfort whatsoever," she said.

Last month, Kunis slammed reports that the pair had downed tequila together before their risqué shoot. "I don't think we could have done that scene if we were intoxicated," she told People at the time.

Both Kunis and Portman have discussed their gruelling training regimes for the film that saw them lose drastic amounts of weight. Five to eight hours a day of cross-training and swimming for a year saw both the petite stars shed 10kg each off their slight frames.

Hilary Swank loves discount vouchers

Hilary Swank loves discount vouchersHilary Swank uses money off vouchers when she goes shopping.

Although the Oscar-winning actress is financially secure and lives in a Los Angles mansion, she doesn't see why she should have to pay full price for something if she doesn't have to, as she has always been taught the value of money.

The 36-year-old beauty - who grew up on a trailer park - said: "I would use a coupon - just because I have some money now, I wouldn't? That doesn't make sense to me. I see it as a dollar in my pocket. People around me laugh, because I have a deep understanding of what a dollar gets you and how far to make that dollar go.

No wonder my closet is a hodgepodge. I have everything from Louboutins to Gap. You don't have to have a brand name to be stylish. You can mix it together and it works.

"No wonder my closet is a hodgepodge. I have everything from Louboutins to Gap. You don't have to have a brand name to be stylish. You can mix it together and it works."

As well as still using vouchers to go shopping, the 'Conviction' star also revealed how her upbringing has made her appreciate the good things and not let the bad times bring her down.

She told InStyle magazine: "You hear people say, 'Oh, I didn't get that bonus,' or, 'I got fired.' And look, I've experienced not getting that bonus and I've gotten fired. I feel it and say, 'That sucks.' I get depressed. I cry. I have feelings. I don't gloss over them. But then, after that, I pick myself up, brush myself off and say,' Why did this happen? What am I supposed to learn?'"

Monday, November 29, 2010

Harry Potter And Deathly Hallows tops Box Office again

Harry Potter And Deathly Hallows tops Box Office againThe wizard boy, Harry Potter had to fight with a fairy princess last weekend at the Box Office. Both of them had a close shave but finally the Potter movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 came out as the ultimate winner with a collection of $50.3 million over the Thanksgiving weekend.

'Tangled', the fairy tale of princess Rapunzel, was another Box Office favorite last weekend as the long-haired princess attracted millions with her charm in North America. The 3D animated movie earned $49.1 million within three days, which is much more than the industry expectation. It opened just one day before the U.S. ‘Thanksgiving Day’ so many preferred to enjoy the holiday with this charming princess.

According to the Warner Bros, the seventh Harry Potter movie sold tickets worth $163.5 million and the United States and Canada ruled with a earning of $50.3 million. In France, the 'Harry Potter' movie collected its best last week with $19.1 million, which is the best opening of the country this year.

It indicates that the Harry Potter fans are not at all bored with Harry's magical wand and they can watch it for next few years too, if there comes any other sequel. The final data of the last weekend shows 'Harry Potter' is still the ultimate ruler at the Box office and we can expect the success journey to continue for the next few more weeks too.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Munni gets Pak cops into trouble

Officers at a police station in Pakistan's Gujranwala district paid a heavy price for being enamoured with the Dabangg super-hit song Munni Badnam Hui when they were suspended Friday for forcing three female dancers to perform it at the police station.

Three dancers of a musical troupe in Lahore were on their way to Gujranwala to perform at a marriage ceremony, but officers of the Sadhoki police station stopped them at a checkpost midway and took them to the police station, Dunya TV reported.

Having arrested the dancers, the policemen were not ready to let go the opportunity to have some fun.

They asked the dancers to perform to the Malaika Arora hit song Munni Badnam Hui one by one. After having his wish fulfilled, the police station in-charge registered an FIR against the three dancers and detained them in a lock-up.

The dancers, who could not go home even after entertaining the police officers, were only released on bail after two days.

They filed a writ petition before the session judge who ordered an inquiry after listening to their plight.

The Regional Police Officer (RPO) Gujranwala, Tariq Masood Yaseen, after conducting an inquiry, has suspended the police station in-charge Abid Farooq and the entire staff, the channel said.

All of them have been detained in the same lock-up where they kept the dancers for two days while further investigation is underway.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Jessica Simpson Reveals How Eric Johnson Proposed

Jessica Simpson Reveals How Eric Johnson ProposedJessica Simpson is sharing details of how her fiance Eric Johnson popped the big question!

“I absolutely had no idea. He had talked to my mom and dad and my sister [Ashlee] three weeks before he asked me. He had the ring in his shoe at my house somewhere,” she says on The Morning Mash Up radio show, in an interview airing Thursday, December 2.

“I was like, why hide it in a shoe, but it worked. He got down on his knee and I had to sit down on it because I was so shocked,” she says.

Jess, 30, adds that it happened while she was watching Parenthood. “I was short of breath. It was definitely one of those moments where I’ve never felt that way before, ever … We met in my house it was amazing that he proposed to me in my house.”

“I can’t believe all the Simpsons kept a secret,” says Jess.

Emma Watson stripped unnecessarily for Harry Potter

Emma Watson stripped unnecessarily for Harry PotterThis one is not for kids, even if Harry Potter has had a huge kids following, alongside the adult one! Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, Part 1' actor Emma Watson has not shared an innocent kiss with her series co-star Daniel Radcliffe only. Daniel, in a candid show with music and entertainment channel MTV has shared that both himself and Emma had to strip for the scene!

While you may be screeching with the question “why did they do that!” after watching the movie, we are equally clueless! Daniel says that the day before they were to shoot it, his director had informed him of this weird idea of being naked. For grace’s sake or for sake of getting an all-age certificate, Emma was given a silver-colored bra for the shot.

And what does Daniel have to say about the scene and the chemistry they shared over it? He’s all cool. He’s gone to the extent of saying that the kiss was as simple as kissing his sibling only! Now that, we say, is some statement! Daniel, who has no sister of his own, says, the absence of one in his life makes him think it was so simple, and, passion-less!

But then, at another interview, he has said that Emma was all charged up and behaved like an ‘animal’ (you may read: passionate) while the scene was being shot. Well then, why this back-tracking Daniel?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie donate thousands to charity

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie donate thousands to charityBrad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have donated $150,000 to a children's charity.

The couple gave the sum to SOS Children's Villages, USA - which supports adoptive families and highlights the needs of children without parental care - in recognition of National Adoption Day through their Jolie-Pitt Foundation.

Dr. Heath Paul, CEO of SOS Children's Villages, USA, said: "I am truly thankful that Angelina and Brad understand the power of family - the kind of stable family that SOS holds as an essential part of healthy child development.

Together, Angelina and Brad have been eye-witnesses to the great work of SOS Children's Villages in Ethiopia, Jordan, a Darfur refugee camp in Chad and Haiti. Angelina and Brad know that children's need for a family is universal.
The donation from the couple - who have adopted three children, Maddox, nine, Pax, six, and Zahara, five, as well as three other kids, Shiloh, four, and two-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne - will provide the long-term financial support needed for a family of four foster children in one of the US SOS Children's Villages.

Last year, the couple donated $100,000 to two of the organisation's centres in Florida and Illinois after being impressed by their work.

Angelina said of the generous gift: "We have seen firsthand the remarkable job SOS does to raise orphaned and abandoned children and keep families together. No one 'ages out' of an SOS Village: vocational training, advanced education, living assistance and moral support are there forever."

The SOS Villages house over 200 children and last Christmas Brad insisted it was important to show gratitude for the work the organisation does.

He said: "In this holiday season, many of us take for granted that we are surrounded by loving family members. The poor outcomes for foster children indicate that we must do a much better job of supporting them."

It was revealed last year Brad and Angelina donated $6.8 million to charity in 2008 after raising the money through their Jolie-Pitt Foundation.

Gyllenhaal, Hathaway go nude for magazine shoot

Jake Gyllenhaal and Hathaway go nude for magazine shootHollywood actors Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal have stripped for a magazine cover and given some candid shots to promote their upcoming comedy "Love & Other Drugs".

The actors are seen in a jolly mood, and Gyllenhaal has his arms wrapped around Hathaway for three different covers, reports

They also had a few steamy scenes in the film, and Hathaway says she "totally fell apart" the first time they were expected to take their clothes off.

She shared how director Edward Zwick took off his clothes as well and climbed into bed with both actors to lighten the mood while shooting the sex scenes.

But the actors gradually became used to nudity in the film, says Gyllenhaal.

"We were, like, having fake sex and being like, 'Knock the pot off, knock the pot off'. I was not focusing on her at all and instead focusing on knocking the pot off for Ed (the director)," he added.

Gyllenhaal, 29, and Hathaway, 28, play respectively a Viagra pharmaceutical sales representative and a free-spirited woman in the film.

According to Gyllenhaal, they were naked 65 percent of the time while shooting the project.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Waitress discusses sex with David Arquette

Waitress discusses sex with David ArquetteDavid Arquette had "quick and painless" sex with Jasmine Waltz.

The actor slept with the model-and-waitress more than once with in the aftermath of his trial separation from wife Courteney Cox Arquette but Jasmine insists she found the experience unexciting.

Revealing they first had sex in the actor's childhood home - she said,"It wasn't bad sex but it wasn't emotional. It was quick and painless. Nothing exciting."

David, 39, first met Jasmine at Premiere, the Los Angeles nightclub where she works, and the brunette admits he seemed "beaten down", though she was shocked when he revealed the reason for his sadness was his marital problems.

It wasn't bad sex but it wasn't emotional. It was quick and painless. Nothing exciting.

Jasmine told Life and Style magazine: "I was surprised to hear that. But his friends all seemed to know about it. He was beaten down. He mentioned that he hadn't slept with anyone since separating from Courteney."

Speaking about his "sexual encounters" with Jasmine, David recently admitted they made him feel "manly".

He said: "I did have sex with her one time, maybe sexual encounter made me pretty feel manly."

However, though Jasmine described their intimate moments as "quick and painless", the 'Scream' star has admitted he cried after they had sex.

Explaining why he broke down, David - who has a six-year-old daughter Coco with Courteney - said: "Because it was the end of all the intimacy I shared with my wife."

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Michael Phelps dating Brittny Gastineau

Michael Phelps dating Brittny GastineauMichael Phelps has a new lady in his life - Brittny Gastineau!

The 25-year-old Olympic champion and Brittny, 28, are “really cute together,” a source close to her told People, adding, “It’s just started.”

Over the weekend, Michael and Brittny went shopping at Nordstrom at The Grove before picking up drinks at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.

“She thinks he’s a really sweet guy,” the source said. “She understands his athletic background since her dad was an athlete.” Brittny’s dad, Mark, played for the New York Jets!

Emma Watson feels Topless kiss with Daniel Radcliffe was awkward

Emma Watson feels Topless kiss with Daniel Radcliffe was awkwardHarry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe and his co-star Emma Watson have different opinions about their recent on-screen kiss.

While Radcliffe said it was 'vigorous and enjoyable', Watson found the experience 'awkward'.

The actress has admitted it was made tricky after producers told her at the last minute the snog was to be topless.

"I forgot how full-on it was until I saw the movie, and I was like, ''Blimey, where did that come from?'' It was really full-on," the Sun quoted her as saying.

"It was only the day before that they said, ''Oh, by the way, we hope it's all right, but we want you to be topless, and we're going to cover you in silver paint''.

"It was awkward enough as it was without the silver paint and the strapless bra, but whatever.

"It was like some weird social experiment," she said.

However, she added: "He is a good kisser. I can definitely vouch for that."

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Prince William gives Diana's ring to Kate

Prince William gave fiancee Kate Middleton his late mother Princess Diana's engagement ring because he didn't want her to miss out on his special day.

The future British king announced his engagement to his long-term girlfriend earlier today (16.11.10) after proposing last month and says he decided to give Kate the band his father Prince Charles gave the late Diana as his way of paying tribute to her.

When asked about the oval blue 18-carat sapphire and diamond ring, William said: "It was my way of making sure my mother didn't miss out on today."

Diana - who was divorced from Charles - died in 1997 in a Paris car crash and William and his brother Prince Harry often pay tribute to her.

It was my way of making sure my mother didn't miss out on today.

William and his new fiancee did a photo call at St James' Palace in London, where they showed off the stunning ring and Kate spoke about joining Britain's Royal Family.

She said: "It's quite a daunting prospect but hopefully I'll take it in my stride. William is a great teacher."

William's father Charles also spoke of his joy at the engagement and joked it had taken a long time as they had been together for eight years.

He said: "I'm thrilled, obviously. They've been practising long enough."

Kate's parents Michael and Carole said they were "absolutely delighted" and "thrilled" by the news.

Her father said: "We have got to know William really well, we all think he is wonderful and we are extremely fond of him.

"They make a lovely couple, are great fun to be with and we've had a lot of laughs together. We wish them every happiness for the future."

Men of the Year

GQ's 2010 Men of the Year Issues is on newstands on Nov. 23. This issue honors the year's achievers, leaders, and renegades with five separate covers:


Drake (“Breakout of the Year”)

Jeff Bridges (“Icon of the Year”)

Stephen Colbert (“Patriot of the Year”),

James Franco (“Leading Man of the Year”)

Scarlett Johansson (“Babe of the Year”)


Monday, November 15, 2010

Sneak-Peek at Spider-Man the Musical in Vogue


With eye-popping sets, fierce costumes, and an electric young cast, Julie Taymor and Bono bring Spider-Man, the $60 Million rock musical, to Broadway. Vogue's contributing editor Adam Green went backstage at the Foxwoods Theatre to give readers an advance peek at the new production in the December issue on newsstands Nov. 23rd.

See the full feature HERE.

Photos Courtesy of Vogue by Annie Leibovitz.

ScarJo Is Babe of the Year


GQ has named Scarlett Johansson “Babe of the Year” as part of the 15th annual Men of the Year issue. The issue hits newsstands nationwide on Nov. 23. See more sneak-peek photos HERE.

Nadine Coyle Almost Killed By Poisonous Gas

Nadine Coyle Almost Killed By Poisonous GasNadine Coyle and her family almost died from carbon monoxide poisoning.

The 'Insatiable' singer feels "lucky" to be alive after a cracked boiler allowed the deadly gas to seep into her Los Angeles mansion, with the problem only discovered four months later when her elder sister Charmaine - who was staying at the property with the Girls Aloud star's parents Lillian and Niall and youngest sibling Rachael - fell seriously ill.

Nadine said: "We were sick as dogs from the gas for weeks and weeks. My oldest sister got so ill we all thought she was dying.

"It was the worst time of my life. We're lucky to still be here."

Nadine, her fiance Jason Bell and the rest of her family were warned they could have died if the leak had not been discovered by a gas worker, and the singer admits the months before the cause of their ill-health was determined was the worst period of her life.

She told Sunday Life magazine: "We all felt like we had really bad flu. My older sister got so ill we thought she was dying.

"It was the worst time of my life, being ill while looking at everyone I cared about getting sick as well.

"It turned out the boiler was cracked all the way up. Everyone was shocked when we found out because it's so serious."

The Irish-born beauty has now moved out of the property.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Gwyneth Paltrow says Beyonce helped her prepare for CMAs

Gwyneth Paltrow says Beyonce helped her prepare for CMAsGwyneth Paltrow has credited superstar pals Beyonce and Faith Hill with helping her to shake off her nerves ahead of her singing debut at Wednesday night's Country Music Association Awards.

The Oscar-winner hit the stage with Vince Gill to belt out the theme tune to her new movie 'Country Strong', in which she plays Tim McGraw''s alcoholic wife, reports the Daily Express.

The performance, Paltrow''s first major live show as a singer, earned her a standing ovation at the Bridgestone Arena in the country music mecca of Nashville, Tennessee.

And the actress reveals she''s "lucky" to know superstars Beyonce and Hill "in real life" - because they were instrumental in teaching her how to overcome her fears.

"I kind of asked my girl singer friends (for advice). I asked Faith (Hill) a lot of questions - and Beyonce, actually, too," Paltrow told U.S. news programme Access Hollywood.

The actress also admitted she had "studied" the Halo hitmaker''s previous live shows to pick up tips on how to appear confident onstage.

Busy Kelly Brook has no time for love

Busy Kelly Brook has no time for loveActress Kelly Brook is busy preparing to audition for a 'top-secret play' and has no time for relationships.

The model, who parted ways with the former England fly-half Danny Cipriani in the summer, has decided to put her career before her love life.

"I''m still single and not really looking at the moment as I''m so busy with work," the Telegraph quoted her as saying.

The model, who co-hosted the Spectacle Wearer Of The Year ceremony at the Victoria and Albert musuem, will spend Christmas with her mother.

"I''m going home to Kent and looking forward to spending time with my family and friends.

"I''m also reading for a top-secret play in a few days'' time. It''s going to be an all-women show, but I can''t say more than that or I''ll get told off," she said.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cher Wants To Direct A Movie

Cher Wants To Direct A MovieCher is ready to step behind the camera to direct her first movie after five successful decades in showbusiness.

The Believe hitmaker has enjoyed a stellar career in both music and film, releasing a string of platinum-selling albums and picking up a Best Actress Academy Award and a Golden Globe for her acclaimed role in 1987's Moonstruck.

Cher will make her big screen return in musical extravaganza Burlesque later this month and she has revealed her next big challenge will be directing. She tells Access Hollywood, “Well, I’d like to see more films. I wanna direct a film."

As well as concentrating on moviemaking, the superstar is eager to spend more time on philanthropy, adding, “I have a school in Africa and I also feed the children there."


Hey guys and; Dolls!

As you may know I recently supported DRU HILL and BLACKSTREET at the IndigO2, London, and what a show!!! The whole night was a truely amazing experience! It really felt great to be a part of it and to have such a great platform on which to perform!

Now for many, being a support act for any established act in the industry can be a daunting thought! What if their fans don't take to me", but HONESTLY I felt so at home on that stage, I had no inhibitions whatsoever and I could barely WAIT to start my set! 

Performing to such a high energy crowd was a rewarding challenge and an exhilarating experience.
I LOVED IT and was totally in my element, exactly where I wanted to be! And to be supporting two groups that I can only describe as LEGENDS on the RnB Group scene was an absolute honour! The response I got from the crowd - AMAZING I could'nt have asked for a more responsive crowd! They made some serious noise!

The guys from Dru Hill & Blackstreet were incredible, their vocals were second to none and their stage presence still very there! They have some DIE HARD fans out there and everyone seemed to become whatever age they were when Dru Hill first came out, again! Sisqo was such a lil' cutie with his rucksack on his back dancing and singing and looking like he always did, age has done him no harm, you can see he LOVES the stage and it was truely made for him! Not to mention the new member of Dru Hill, he was 100% damn fine lol!!! And his voice....vocal ecstasy! Well done to them all it was great to be there and to be a part of it. What a blessing.

My team recorded a behind the scenes video too!

We had all sorts going on! I will put that up, which also includes the live onstage footage, in the next few weeks! So please follow this blog and look out for the updates! And subscribe to my youtube account for more videos and interviews:

If you were there in the audience, thank you for your amazing support and reaction to my set! 

The crowd reaction was something that will stay with me! So great to be appreciated in that way! 

And BIG LOVE to the ladies screaming out "I DON'T NEED YOUR ASS BYE BYE"!!!! That ones become a real ladies anthem! - We've just hit 11,000 views on that on youtube! Thanks guys, I remember when my vids struggled to get 100 - things are moving nicely and I see every blessing with eyes and heart wide open ;o)

I can't even write this blog without saying the BIGGEST of thank you's to the following people who supported me and made the whole experience as complete as it was!

My onstage crew! J-Darks who was on the decks for the complete set (producer of my single "BYE BYE"), Mr Midas and Huskey who tore up the place on the finale track of my set "Bye Bye" you guys we're great! My sexy sexy talented dancers who always bring great energy Official Orange and my new addition, the beautiful Adesuwa - thank you girls you absolutely rocked onstage and you both looked mad sexy while you did so! 

My beautiful mum-ager Mavis, my queen, my rock, my heart and soul, I love youuuuuuu, you keep me going always, thank you for being my mummy ;o)
And of course my best friend Esma who always shows me real support whenever I need it, a true friend indeed, thanks Es...LOVE YOUUUU (no homo....well... maybe a little lol)!

My FABULOUS Make-Up artist Renee Harris, the lady with the flawless touch! I mean she is an absolute diamond, working with a Crystal, we get on like a house on fire - She is so talented, contact me if you need her!!!! I'll be posting her new blog for you guys to look at soon.

And OF COURSE T-Man (Tha Hustler), my one and only camera guy who captures all the backstage gossip and madness (with the mad shots I always beg him to delete (its a femae thing lol, never happy haha, he never see's what I mean - us females, we see things that are just not there lol) and capturing me and the dancers going on about guys, without knowing he's recording, and sniggering in the chair behind us)...we see ya! LOL!!!!!!!!!! Thanks T! And last but not least thank you to my boy Johnny at JK Entertainment for always showing his belief and allowing me to have this platform! Cheers mate!

I feel my team is almost complete and what a team we are, thank you all so much for helping me on my journey to making a dream a reality (it's emotional) ;o)

See you all soon
Much love and appreciation!
Crystal Celebrity xxx

JUST TEXT: "Track BYE BYE" to 80818